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What resume format is best for online applications?

February 14th, 2022

Make sure you include lots of customized words straight from the job description you are applying for, this will increase the chances of your application being pulled by the computer software. For example: the job description requires a BSN and your resume spells out Bachelor of Science in Nursing....the computer doesn't recognize that you have a BSN.

November 11th, 2021

PDF is a widely accepted format. Sometimes a recruiter or website will offer options, but a PDF is a good go-to format. Word is usually second to PDF.
And for $&%* sake, proof read!! A resume is usually your first presentation of yourself. Typos, mismatched formats, excess info, etc might get your resume shredded fast.

February 1st, 2022

Short and sweet. Play up your strengths. Your weaknesses are simply areas on which you can grow.