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Have been in nursing for 2 years and thinking about becoming an NP. Is it worth it?

September 10th, 2021

It was worth it for me. I wanted to facilitate the plan of care for my patients and be more involved in the decisions of their care (more autonomy). Evaluate why you want to do it. Autonomy? Money? Schedule? Or do you not like your current work area? I currently work 4 10 hr days (as I don’t like 5 days a week) & able to balance family time & love what I do.

August 17th, 2021

No, NPs are a dime a dozen. They only spend a few minutes a with their patients and aresupervised by a doctor. Your income will never get back up to where it was.

August 29th, 2021

In my area the market is over saturated with NPs. Remain active in a clinical role during your process to keep networking toward a position once your program is complete. Prescriptive Authority is a challenge in my are as well. Most NPs do not find positions in a NP role for 2-3 years post graduation and boards.
I might suggest CRNA for an expanded practice role, there is currently a large market for this skill set.

September 7th, 2021

Yes, it is worth it. Any advancement in your education is worth it. No one can work as a staff nurse is too physically demanding for an aging person. With a MSN your opportunities are greater. Go for it!

September 14th, 2021

What is your end goal? Speciality?

September 7th, 2021

No. Online degree mills have ruined both the education and reputation of NPs and the Np credentialing bodies refuse to do anything about it. If you’re not willing to put in the money or time or effort at a brick and mortar school that will push you, then no. Stay away.