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How do you educate a non-compliant patient on the importance of medication?

May 21st, 2022

First off we no longer use the term non-compliant. Not sure why? Think it’s derogatory to the pt. Now it is non-adherent.

Need to find out first why they don’t want to take meds. Do they make them sick, are they too expensive, no way to get them. If you are homeless really can’t have meds mailed to you.

Then try and figure what the pt.’s expectation of health is? Maybe they need to figure out a reason why taking the meds. Would be beneficial for them. e.g if they are diabetic and have neuropathy insulin may help to reduce it. It all pts are the same, need to meet them where they are, not where you think they should be.

November 23rd, 2021

First established a therapeutic relationship for your patient to trust you

Educate patient on the disease process and the need to take medications and the complications associated with non compliance

If possible and available introduce patient to others with the same disease conditions

December 5th, 2021

Find out why they are non-compliant. Could it be that the medication is just too expensive and simply can't afford it? Could it be that they have run out of the medication and simply do not have transportation to pick it up from the pharmacy or have it delivered? Could it be that they have not seen the doctor that originally prescribed the medication in months and the MD refused to prescribe it unless they have an appointment to be seen? Could it be that they are having side effects such as nausea which can make the medication unpleasant to take? Could it be that they are compliant but the medication is just not working for them and a different treatment needs to occur? Could it be that they simply just don't want to take it because it means that there may have to be adjustments made in the patient's lifestyle such as no alcohol, having to give up certain foods that may affect the way the medication works, or that they feel tied down to the medication because it can only be taken at a certain time of day or night? Could it be that they are seeing more than one doctor and getting other medications instead?