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How do you educate new parents on shots and drops right after birth, especially those that are on the fence and/or uneducated about these medications? (Vit K, Hep B, Erythromycin)

February 23rd, 2022

Educate them regarding benefits vs. risks for their newborn. Communicate the patient’s concerns to the neonatologist who can also educate the patient, and, often times the parent will choose to vaccinate.

December 17th, 2022

The education should start before the child is born. If by any chance the parents were not given any education by the healthcare provider which is often the case. I tell them Vitamin K is needed for clotting its factor. Vit K given to prevent the baby from bleeding and allowing them to form clots. I tell them Erythromycin is an antibiotic ointment put in the babies eyes since they’re in contact with bodily fluid. It helps rid the eyes of bacteria to prevent eye infections from the birthing process. Hep B is completely optional and can be given in the pediatricians office instead of the hospital the only time it is completely necessary in the hospital is if the mother is Hepatitis positive in which case the newborn must be given immunoglobulin first.