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What types of procedures are done on a GI unit?

October 21st, 2021

GI and pulmonary endoscopic procedures are often done in the same department. The department might be called the “GI Lab” or “Endoscopy”.
Standard endoscopic procedures are EGD, Colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS (endoscopic ultrasound), PEG tube placements, and Bronchoscopy.
Other advanced procedures include ESD, EMR, POEM, Navigational Bronchoscopy, robotic Bronchoscopy, etc.

December 18th, 2023

Upper endoscopy (EGD), colonoscopy, bronchoscope, ERCP, EUS are some of the basic procedures. EGD looks into the esophagus and stomach and can diagnose hiatal hernias, peptic ulcer disease, bleeding ulcers, Barrett’s esophagus. Colonoscopy can be screening for colon cancer , removal of polyps, evaluation of diverticulitis, ibid, ERCP evaluates and treats gallbladder issues. EUS is esophageal ultrasound and can diagnose pancreatic cancer. These are just a few options of procedures available in an endoscopy department

December 1st, 2022

GI is kind of a misleading title if you are talking about an Endoscopy suite/department. Procedures can include PH & Motility studies, GI cases like upper and lower GI but can also include Bronchoscopy and EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound) for cancer diagnosis. There is also a lot of advanced biliary procedures like ERCP with stent placements etc. If you like procedure based care and moderate sedation with a fast pace its great!

December 1st, 2022

Endoscopy laparoscopic colostomy lavage

December 1st, 2022


May 6th, 2022

Upper GI and colonoy

May 2nd, 2022

Bowel resection and anastomosis
Loporoscopy surgeries

April 6th, 2022

Our unit offers colonoscopies and endoscopies. We do routine procedures and emergent procedures for people with GI bleeding and esophageal obstructions. It is good to get colonoscopies done as polyps can be taken out during the procedure that can turn into cancer.

March 28th, 2022

Endoscopy based procedures, colonoscopy, EGD, ERCP, EUS

January 12th, 2022
