I have a BSN and work in a respiratory stepdown unit. I really want to work in mother baby. Any suggestions on how I can break in? No one will even consider me.๐ข
I would suggest talking with the mother baby manager and let her know about your passion. Ask if you can pick up time to care for new mothers that you would be willing to orient a few shifts. Pull out your OB book and freshen up on your skills and
Terminology. Best of luck
Could you consider going to class to be a doula. I know you are working but possibly seeing a few births would get you in with a Mother/Baby manager. There are lots of openings at night shift (sorry if you are not able to do that but it is where a lot of us started). I would consider also calling the manager and seeing if they would talk with you offer to buy coffee, ask to take a tour, consider like an occupational interview. Have questions ready for him/her even if you know the answers. Don't expect a job interview for that just leave it at 'thank you for the information, please keep me in mind' then apply to every one of the openings.
Ask the mother-baby nurse manager for advice, maybe she/he will let you shadow a nurse for 4 hours or so. Read some books on Maternity nursing beforehand. Good luck.