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What tips do you have for people starting nursing school?

January 20th, 2022

It can be very overwhelming and you will be asking yourself "WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO?" Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale when you are overwhelmed. It is worth every moment you spend worrying about what did I get myself into. I have been an RN for 30 years and am still going and learning. Every moment you spend becoming a nurse and practicing nursing, you will learn something new everyday!! There is never a dull moment and there will be moments you will NEVER FORGET. Some sad and some happy. That is the magical unicorn of nursing. When you get discouraged, scared, sad, sick to your stomach, and wonder why the heck am I putting myself through this? Just take a deep breathe in and remember all the knowledge and training you have to help anyone in need. Nursing is every color of the rainbow. It is sad and happy. It is exhilarating and exhausting. It is your yin and yang. It is present when you walk down the street or drive in your car. You are always a nurse, it never stops. Look in the mirror and say, "I GOT THIS AND I CAN DO THIS." NEVER GIVE UP. Always take a step back, take a slow deep breath in and slow deep breath out. THEN SMILE. BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU DO AND THE GIFT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO HELP OTHERS!!! There will be so many ways you can help others, it will be breathtaking.

January 20th, 2022

I personally started as a CNA, I think it is a major help in my understanding of patient care.

February 8th, 2023

there is always being a epastor position or cook for nursing side of dietary services or divinity nursing or theological nursing education for sunday school classes in church

January 21st, 2022

Find a study group
Make sure you have a great support group.
Have back ups to your backups if you have family that you take care of.
Always, always, always ask questions.
There will be times you want to quit. Remember your “why”

January 17th, 2022

Please make sure this is a career that you really want. You can volunteer in a hospital or nursing home setting to make sure that you have a love for nursing. Many times people will enter the profession for money but for not passion or love for a particular career.