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It's frustrating when you want to apply on a different area or that certain area of specialty and you always get rejected. Because they only want someone with "experience". Isn't that the point why I am applying, to gain EXPERIENCE. SMH

January 31st, 2024

All I can say to that is, I am glad I did not buy into the “start in med/surg” crap. I got a residency program at a trauma 1 teaching facility in my third semester. I had also been an extern at the same facility. Started in critical care and can go anywhere. M/S, L/D, home health are hard to get out of. Period. Many reasons why.

January 31st, 2024


February 11th, 2024

Been having the same exact problem. I'm totally stuck in med-surg. I keep being told: just move 5 hours away to the middle of no where and get training, then move back 2 years later. Sure, except I'm grown and have a family and Wife with a better paying job, so yeah, no.

January 28th, 2024

Experience is Paramount in every job or profession worldwide, but this doesn't limit you to opportunities out there opened for every qualified and well trained Nurse, especially with a specialty which makes it more unique and specific based on demand or required in a particular organization at a given time.