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I am an international nurse and just got my license. I am having a hard time applying since I don't have clinical experience. I just move to this country and tried applying. Having no experience and nobody to put on my references is really sad.

May 7th, 2024

Look for nurse internship programs in hospitals and apply to those. Sign up with a registry and take whatever assignment you can get as a temp just for the experience. Apply specifically for night positions in undesirable or less desirable areas of the hospital. HR is always trying to fill off sift hours. Volunteer for the float pool to get experience. Join a nursing org and ask for a mentor to help you thru the transition
God bless and Good luck !

May 6th, 2024

Look for new grads jobs in the big hospitals

April 30th, 2024

When I came to this country as an international nurse I started in a nursing home, worked for almost 18months in a skilled nursing facility and then applied to a hospital on the oncology unit. So I would start with a nursing home or assisted living facility and then work your way to a hospital if that's what you want. My references were from my home country.

April 30th, 2024

You may want to begin with a physician's office position or outpatient clinic to build skills. They pay less than a hospital, but will help you to build your skills and judgement. Also nursing homes and rehab centers will give you a lot of basic experience and a slightly slower pace to learn instead of a hospital unit. As for references, call/email/write to your professors from the school you attended. This is what many new grads from the USA do who lack clinical experience. If your professors do not speak/write English, your letters will have to be translated if the recruiter does not read their language. The final suggestions I have are (1)to take a refresher course here, even though you are a new grad. It shows you are trying to learn the USA 's system, medications and treatments which may be a bit different from the ones you became familiar with in the country where you studied as a student nurse. Also enquire at a nurse employment agnecy - they are well aware of what is needed in their locality and can guide you as to what you need to make yourself more employable. Good luck!