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How do you know if an interview for an nursing job went well or not?

July 6th, 2023

I think it’s hard to say. It depends on how many applications they have and how short staffed they are, in my opinion. And sometimes they have enough staff to train a new nurse, other times they need someone with a lot of experience to jump right in. If they have the luxury of time, they will wait for applications and interview, then choose the best candidate

Two of my nursing interviews - they offered me the job on the spot. Another one- they had me come in and work with/interact with the staff and later offered me the job. The last one- there was a large group interview first

All interviewers are trained to be personable and make you feel great, whether or not you are going to be chosen. I’d say the more questions they ask and the more information they provide, they are more interested. A short interview could mean they aren’t interested, but it could also mean you’re exactly what they want and it didn’t take much time to figure that out. In my interviews, I never knew until the moment they made the offer

July 17th, 2022

I’ve been on a lot of interviews for nursing jobs. It seemed like I wouldn’t get the job if I was in the interview for an hour. Not sure why they’d bother wasting my time and theirs. I would always have a guy feeling right afterwards that “I’m not getting that job.”