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What do you think about the use of restraint and seclusion in psychiatric care?

October 11th, 2023

At the cost of staff injuries increasing and destruction of property increasing, hospitals brag about days without restraints. It is a HOLLOW victory! In reality they do not use physical restraints like a bed or chair BUT they use chemical restraints (IM meds) to calm a raging person. I worked throughout the whole debate about merits or physical restraints vs none.
In my 25 years experience dealing with chronically mentally ill patients who had emotional issues of rage and homicidal / suicidal idealization the right answer is "it depends". For some patients physical restraints are required to prevent harm to self and others. For other patients a few seconds of a physical hold coupled with a stat IM does the trick. If you had a TRUE cost factor for those facilities who use both IM and physical restraints (chairs) vs those who claim to be restraint free, you will notice a disparity in budgets for medical care to staff and patients due to injuries as well as costs to repair destroyed items at the facility. Those who claim to be restraint free spend way more than those facilities who rely on chemical restraints only. Well meaning people instituted this shift however the old adage is true here: "Simple people seek simple solutions to complex issues."

July 26th, 2023

well, they do need to eat and then give them their sedatives but need to conservational talks with them if they have sympoms of emotional barriers like freaking out and screaming but in pastoral care you can bless them and sprinkle water on them because our Lord kept demonic activity awareness a secret so that helps to sprinkle patients and do self therapy conversational role play therapy too