What’s the ideal New grad pay after training? They are offering me $18 right now for training then hopefully they will increase it. I live in Dallas, TX
Pick another hospital. NEVER accept $18 as a nurse.
I started with $36/hour in Miami, Florida. $18 is crazy low for an RN.
$18 dollars an hour? What 3rd world hospital did you apply to?
I’m in Dallas as well. As a new nurse 10 years ago I started with $26 an hour. CNAs are getting close to $18 an hour. That’s literally the worst offer I’ve heard yet.
Ahhh. Do not take $18/hr. I started at $28 as a new grad/RN in Fort Worth on Med Surg.
I hope this is a typo...$18 per hour as a new nursing grad. Fast food workers make more than this per hour. I started off with $28 per hour and that was back in 2009. I would definitely ask questions about the pay rate.
$18 is too low in Dallas. There is lots of competition here, apply lots of places and take the best one.
Wow... in Ohio New grads are starting and 35.00 to 37.00 aids in the hospitals are making 23.00 an hours to start. I would walk away. Hospitals will pay nothing if everyone keeps letting them get away with it.
$30 in east Tennessee. 18 shows a lack of respect for nursing.
That offer is REALLY low. They are trying to take adcantage of you.
You have two options: 1. Counter with a minimum you will accept (should be in the $23-27ish range), Or, 2. Tell them to pound sand and then look elesewhere.
NEVER be afraid to advocate for yourself in the situations.
They pay CNA’s more than that, run.
Yeah, I’m starting at $72/hr during training, but I’m in CA. I think the average that I’ve seen is $53 /hr.
$18!!, is this for an RN position?, no way, maybe techs make that, well I was an ER Tech and I made about that. And you live in a big metropolitan area, you’ll find better. Keep looking!.
Run. My 18 year old son makes that at home depot. Shop around and also look for agencies, hospitals that offer more than just good pay. Look at the cost of health insurance, 401k matches, tuition reimbursement, money for continued education, training and onboarding, retention rates, opportunities for advanced training. Don't settle. Move if you have too. Nevada has good rates.
I currently work in plano tx and my starting pay was $30 during my residency. $18 for training??? Run away from that.
I was making $25/hr as a tech during nursing school in Fl where the pay is awful. I've been offered anywhere from $32-$40 as a new grad in training plus no contract sign on bonus....you should def not take this offer.
New grad BSN? $18 is about half of what you should make…
No. Do not even entertain that
Submit this to your news station. There is a misconception that nurses are out and about making bank. ‘Some’ travel assignments make higher pay to be fair.
Even if you love your job, nursing takes mental and physical tolls. You are not compensated (even with benefits) for long-term effects.
I have nothing to compare that too but 18 dollars is barely above minimum wage! You could work in McDonalds for less stress!
That doesn't sound like a living wage even in Texas! Get it in writing with the date when they plan to increase your salary and how much it will be. Do not take the job without a written contract.
I am an LVN, (30 years) and I make $48.67 an hour. I start my caregivers at $18.
That’s an insult for any type of nurse, but especially an RN.
$18 an hour is a ridiculous insult. Many skilled nurses aides are making that hourly wage. Please name that facimity.
😲😲😲 As a student nurse intern, I was making $31.25 an hour plus differential. Get that money.
Is this LPN or RN? I started in Houston, TX in a RN nurse residency program making $29/hr. I would try negotiating
This is wild. Ain't no nurse new or experienced working for that. You're better off working at McDonald's if that's the case. That's ridiculous and downright rude. I'm sure none of those patients as sick as they r, worth 18 pennies an hr. Run as fast as u can.
In CA, I started new grad at $38. Now $44 jumping 3 jobs in a year. Good luck.
Wow! I would not go to Dallas for a nursing job! Crazy low pay!
I was paid the same (CT-$32 hour) on orientation/training as when on my own.
Absolutely not. You didn’t go to nursing school and study hard for that. In NY PCA’s don’t even make that. I don’t think anyone makes that. You are in demand as a RN why would you accept that. And with demand, the price goes up. Either find another job that will offer you more or move to a different state that will offer to pay you more as a new grad, get experience for 2 years then move back to Texas once they are willing to offer you way more. But $18 is a slap in the face and an insult the amount of work we do as Nurses.
Mc Donalds pays 18 an hour. Do not accept!
😳RUN!! that’s what chic-fil-a team members here are making holy cow! My friend is a new grad with starting pay of $36. If you can hold out, I suggest you keep looking for something at least $28 or more. Don’t settle- Good luck to you!
That's insanely low! I made $22 an hour as a Medical assistant and will be starting my New Grad Residency at $32 for the first 6 months. I'm in Colorado Springs. In&Out (fast food) workers make $17.50 starting pay here.
I vote find somewhere else!
I would genuinely and politely ask if they sent me an incorrect offer. $18 is CNA pay in Dallas, TX. I worked at Texas Health Dallas and our techs were making that much. New Grad RNs were starting around $28 I believe.
Buc-ee’s and Amazon are paying more for less stress. Tell them to take a hike off a short bridge! I started at $24.25 in Louisiana and that was 15 years ago love! With this inflated economy they can do better and you deserve more.
just an fyi: never trust the word hopefully...
As a new grad psych RN I started off at 48hr 51hr, this was in with the night shift this was for psych rn in NY.. (ps Hayward is not like the movies 95 percent of the people are people that are going through depression anxiety or loss of a loved one) I stayed there for almost 4 years and was making about 58 per hour before I left, no IVs, No pumps, Pateints clean themselves, I had about 9 years prior experience as a pca and behavioral health aid but this was just the starting rate… I now work as a contract school rn… way less stressful better work hours 7a-3p pay is less I’m at $43hr but working on a per diem job doing assessments for after work and weekends, which would bring me back to my normal pay or significant higher, on another note I left working a night time pca I was making $28 per hour… and please don’t let any one sell you on the BS story of you have to work medsurge for atleast 2 years before hand, I’ve worked as a nurse 4 for years and I swore I would never work medsurge and til this day 4 years later i still never have and I’m grateful I never have, imagyer working as a pca in medsurge for years ill never go back… that’s me though. I stuck to my specialty of psych and kept it going… still get offers for contract psych rn $3600 per week but different priorities.. I choose family and work life balance over pay in this time of life. Thats just my experience, hopes this helps.
hi! new grad nurse in dallas texas. i’m making $32.03 an hour. definitely leave that hospital.
I started at $22.50/hr in 1980!! $18 is more than just insulting, it Should be embarrassing for the one suggesting it! That is NOT a facility you should even consider working for! What else are they going to skimp on??? It's a Serious NO! You worked HARD for your license, Respect it and expect others to do the same!
i’m in dallas texas, my new grad starting last year was $30.50 and went up to 32.03. whatever hospital is hiring you at $18 is horrible, do NOT accept.
Oregon New Grads Eugene/Springfield make $40/hour if you are interested
That is really sad. Please don’t accept that.
Never accept 18/hr as a nurse, especially if it’s in a hospital. I’ve been a nurse little over two years and starting pay for me was $27.75. Within a few short months I did weekend package and second shift, earning $41/hr. You are worth way more for the work you do!
When I started as a new grad in 2013 the starting pay for our entire city was average $27/ hour. This is in Houston, Tx.
I did learn in 2015 starting pay as a new grad in El Paso, Tx was $17- 21/ hr if I’m remembering correctly.
Dallas is a large metropolitan city similar to Houston.
Never forget that hospitals NEED and are desperate for nurses. If you can’t negotiate a higher starting pay go elsewhere.
I am a Prof of Nursing, and all of my recent graduates were offered $31-34 an hour as a BSN graduate. The rate you are quoting sounds more in line with the Techs. By the way, I am also in Dallas.
My daughter graduated last May, UPenn, with a BSN. Her starting pay was $40 a hour, not including night or weekends. They are cheating you
That is insulting!!! My first job out of nursing school was in a very low paying state, and I was at $25.25/hour.
I started off at 36.30 as a new grad in CT. 18 is insanely low. I’d also be weary of the increase after orientation deal, a lot of times they don’t.
That is ABSOLUTELY INSANE ! Never EVER accept that ! Tell them what they can do with THAT offer !
McDonald’s pays $20/hour starting off. Training is still working. I wouldn’t accept anything under $34/hour especially in a big city like Dallas. If you decide take it, make sure you have a written agreement with hourly pay and a start date for when you are finished with “training”. That’s ridiculous.
I’m sorry, WHAT!?…Wow, the disrespect is rampant! This is a profession and facilities have the nerve to still be offering less than $20/hr as an RN!?…Nope. Nope. Nope. My new grad pay back in 2015 was definitely low, $23/hr, in NC…and honestly looking back, that was terrible pay. But $18 for an RN ,in 2024, when inflation is through the roof and workplace stress is at a major high, is downright insulting. Especially in Dallas! While not the most expensive place to live, I wouldn’t call it cheap. I’m in utter shock at such an offer!
As a new grad, my offer is right at $30… and I’m in a small-ish town 3hrs out of DFW… you can do much better 😊
Fast Food starting employees are making $18 and $20
As a new grad 23 years ago I was making $25
They are wage robbing you!
Unacceptable. I started as a new grad in 2012, acute inpatient dialysis, and I was paid $30 an hour in Chicago. Increases are seldom super substantial and you want to earn a living wage in 2024; so you want to go in at something you can live on from the get. You deserve more money for all your hard work and that employer is downright absurd for paying a new nurse who is about to start a very difficult career the same money as a seasoned tech in my specialty (no disrespect to the amazing techs out there). If I asked all the nurses I know what their hardest year to date was, it was their first year — hands down. I don’t know what it costs to put gas in your car but that’s a decent metric for cost of living in your area. Don’t do it. You are so much better than that!
Seriously, I started at $21 with an ADN degree in 2009. This is a horrible offer unless it's in a private practice or outpatient setting. They tend to pay less but not even that much less.
Hunny move to NY Charge nurse after one year making $57 an hour
Whole life nurse offers salary expectations per state. I live in greater Los Angeles area and I started as a new grad at 38. 18 is insulting. Especially if you are going into a specialty unit (idk if you are, but just saying).
That is extremely low for the Dallas Fort Worth area. Negotiate and interview elsewhere to be sure you want to accept.
Tarrant Country hospitals are paying 30-32. Baylor might be 28 starting.
Look up what the salaray average is for new grad nurses in your area. Don't base it off of what everyone is saying on here. What you make in Dallas will be significantly different than what you would make in California or a rural area.
No way! What hospital is this? Are you an RN grad? Look somewhere else!
I agree. Nursing assistants are making $15/hr these days; so, $18? It’s abuse.
Go to a Union State. You will earn good pay and have safe ratios. Do not accept less than $25/hr.
that seems extremely low. Like criminally so for Dallas.
I work as the director of health services at a small assisted living facility. We employ unlicensed staff as care givers and medication technicians. Their starting pay is $18/hour. I am always fighting administration to raise their pay rate because the work they do is worth more. YOU have been trained and educated as a nurse. I am sure you worked hard and had struggles before passing the State nursing exams. Demand what you are worth. How did you not laugh when they offered you $18?
Too many companies are trying to low ball their professional staff in favor of putting more money in their pocket. I'm sure you didn't work so hard to make (damn near) minimum wage. Stand up for yourself and your profession.
I started at $76 in a new grad residency, but I live in Northern California. I can’t believe how much nurses are paid in other states. You are worth more than this!
Depends on where you’re at and cost of living. North east states and California pay a lot (but remember cost of living). As a new grad in NYC I started off at $45/hr. My classmate went home to Florida and started off at $34/hr. $18/hr does NOT seem right. Especially since you’re in a major city in Texas. Even if it’s training, you’re still are an RN. I would look elsewhere.
F no ! Don’t let them play you honey . As a new grad 10 years ago my rate was $27. I know nursing techs that make more than that .
I was making $25 as a nurse apprentice. No, don’t take that offer find another place to work. $18??? CNA here make that amount and some make more than that.
18 as an RN.. fast food workers here in cali make 20 minium.. thats gotta be a joke
In California you can make $20/hr working at McDonalds now! Don’t stand for it! Know your worth!
I started with $72.21 an hour as a new grad with a BSN in California sacramento! You minus well
Come this way I knows it’s pricier here but you can make a living here
I made that as a Nurse Extern while in school. I earned more than that after 3pm and on the weekends. It’s important to know what “we nurses” are worth.
I’m a new grad nurse making $35 on orientation in NE Indiana… I’d go elsewhere..
I just moved from Dallas and started as a New Grad there making $28 three years ago. That is unacceptable. Ask for an increase. Market in that area is over $30 now as a NG
Do NOT accept!!!! It’s a window into what you’ll have to experience long term!!! NURSING isn’t VALUABLE at that facility! 😞😞
Typically you should be hired and trained at the same rate you would get after training. I’ve not heard of hospitals training at a lower rate.
Locations can have a big difference on pay rate but even so there’s no justification for $18/hour anywhere. In 2008 I started at $25/hr in Washington state at the lower paying hospital in our community.
Currently in the Pacific Northwest starting pay rates for new grads are about $35/hr from what I’ve heard from colleagues.
If that’s your only option for employment currently, I would get the experience to get your foot in the door somewhere better. Or you could get your experience and then travel…but don’t settle for an $18 hr pay rate there either even with them paying housing and per diems on top it’s not an acceptable rate.
Please do not accept that. You worked too hard for your license. I am in Dallas TX too. As an LVN, my last job was 30 and some change (without shift differential) in the ER. That was April 2024. I wish you much success and pay worthy of your knowledge and skills 🙂
That’s just while in training. Find out what it pays when you’ve completed training
$18 per hour??? I was making more than that as a new grad in 1989! That is a red flag. Just say no!
New grads here in the PNW are at $45-$50/hr for hospital RN.
You could make more working at McDonald’s here than $18/hr. So pathetically sad. Dallas is very comparable to the cost of living here too. I have a lot of family there!! That pay rate is insulting to me.
I’m in NY, my first job out of nursing school (with no experience) paid me $54/hour. Run away from that hospital.
I live in WV and new grads are makig $28 per hour. With huge sign on bonuses. Walk away, there are too many opportunities out there.
That is ABSURD, I made that as a part time server while in nursing school. BARE minimum for a BSN new grad should be like 28/hr, I made a bit more as a new grad in the DC area, and that was pre pandemic.
$18/hr?? Run as fast as you can out of there! Sounds like indentured servitude.
NO! No! Fast food workers e 20 an hour! RN in Cali make 55 and up an hour
Don't take it you will regret it, LPNs are making RN money and RNs are being paid major wages fresh out of grad school. They assume you don't know, that starting in a Nursing Home, as a nurse. But be careful, some nurses are not very friendly when new nurses are on shift and they have to train them. Chin up it only gets better as you learn.
Don't take it!!!! Dont undersell yourself. Eventhough you''re a new grad, you're still A PROFESSIONAL. I cant believe there's still places that offers such rate. Costco pays higher than that. Continue to look around. Best of Luck!!!
Do you really want all that responsibility for the same wage that fast food joints and gas stations are paying?
McDonald’s and Wendy’s were hiring for $18/hr in CA last year. New Grad nurse deserves far more than that!
In Arizona new grads start at about $35. It should be similar in TX. $18 is terrible for an RN
Apply at different hospitals. Don’t accept 18. At least 23$
$18 seems so insulting, try another hospital! I have seen the minimum of at least $29-30 & up.
New grad RN I was offered $60 +$4.50 nights differential in correctional nursing. $56.44 + $5.00 nights in Med/surg. Crazy how low pay in other states are. 😫😫😫 But $18?!? I’d say keep looking.
No less than 29.00
Oh wow it’s so sad that they are trying to take new grads for granted. There are plenty of options elsewhere.
In 2005 I made $18 as a CNA. Nursing wages should be mid thirties starting.
I’m not sure what the minimum wage is in Texas but that’s seems like a low ball offer. Check glass door for comparing rates for new grads in your area. I live in Cali and as a new grad I started at $45/hr.
CNAs make more these days.
Travel nursing pays up to $300/hour! Look up travel nursing and apply to them all. You deserve better!!
I started 10 years ago at $24. You can and SHOULD look elsewhere.
Where in Dallas? HCA pays 32.00. No one pays 18 anywhere anymore . Are you sure youre a RN ?
I got paid 18/hr in Medical City Dallas as a Nurse Extern. When I started my nurse residency it changed to 30/base pay + shift differentials.
That is concerning Lu low. I would questions the person you are negotiating salary with why they are out of range in comparison to competition. I’m in North Dallas at $34.50 as a new grad.
I’m certain that is not your hourly pay. Some hospitals offer a different rate for “training”. Call your HR department and inquire about your true starting rate.
I was offered $37 for the first year. Then jumped to around $42-$45 (I don’t remeber exactly) once I finished my precepted shifts and was on my own. This was in CA in 2021. And the new grads hired after me was already offered more. Also, I was told this hospital that I was in was known to be the least paying hospital around the area.
Run! Do not accept that offer. New grads get paid $28-30/hr where I am at. I am in the San Antonio area.
way too low!!!
What is your professional title/ degree or training? This will help in providing the best answers to your question.
I make that as a PCT in Connecticut.
Don’t accept.
Look for a better paying position, California offers higher pay, however the cost of living is higher as well.
I started at $37.25 as a new grad in Dallas, but that facility took my 9 yrs of RT experience into account. New grad pay in Dallas without any healthcare experience is between $27-31.50 as of last year. Please negotiate or look for another facility!!
In California Mcdonald’s workers start at $20/hr !!!
I was offered $24/hr as an LPN 5 years ago, for my first job in home health/private duty. There is NO way you should accept a hospital nursing job for $18/hr, even if that's the training rate.
When I was hired on as a new grad, the hospital that hired me made me go through a new grad program. This was in 2016. Their training program was technically under a different company. They paid $15/hr. They taught EKG, all machines I would encounter (kangaroo pump, IV pump, wound vac, etc). I also was ACLS trained in a sim lab. I had to do 3 month with preceptor on the floor I was working on. Once that was all done, I was officially hired by the hospital at $28/hr (base pay not including shift differential or weekend pay). I'm not sure if this is what your situation is, but I would definitely ask! Good luck!
They are nuts
I’m at 29$ / hour in Texas
Let's just say $18 hr for new grad today is not good. I made $18.50 as a new grad from an ADN nursing program with my training starting out as L&D nurse in Moultrie, GA back in 2005. When I passed board, It was $19.00.
I worked in Houston and Sugarland, TX abt 7 yrs ago and made $41/hr FT w Memorual Hermann. In Louisiana I made 34/hr in BR w SCA. Colorado is abt the same as Houston and Sugarland. When I started out as a RN my first job was $25/hr. Look elsewhere… $18 is a huge insult imo. Good luck!
For example a new grad in Oregon start at $47 in the are I’m in.. more rural is less bigger cities is more.. that’s for hospital work
That ẅ
Same here in South East Idaho for a new grad LPN. while we did not get an associates degree, it's still a lot of responsibility for only $18/hr at 1 hospital.
Georgia- I know some experienced LPNs starting at 22. As an RN, ours are starting at 32. My 17 year old works at Kroger and makes 15...with great benefits. That's without finishing nursing school or even high school yet. Know your worth, know you're value. As a new grad, I would never accept less that 30 AFTER becoming certified.
$18??? You have got to be kidding.
But I know Tx pays nurses poorly. At Lear compared to CA .
I’m starting at $46 an hr as bedside in MA
In Philadelphia area they make about 40s I make 56$ hr with experience
That is insulting.They are hoping you are desperate and take the job. Much to low!!!!
To me that is an insult especially when they say hopefully. I don't know about Texas but in Florida it is in the upper 20's
That is $5.00 more an hour than when I started as a nurse in 2000. Laugh and walk on.
TX is SAD, I started in CA at $18 an hour almost 30-yeaars ago...
That depends on where you work and what specialty. All specialties don't have the same pay rate- because of the skill and training required to do the job. For some specialties there is also less pay allocated to staffing. So pick your dream is and go for it! Be teachable, have good boundaries and respect your elder nurses :)
Refuse that job offer they’re taking advantage of you regardless of the position for the training that they have offered you 18 is way under market value you went to school for four years. Do not be taking advantage of somebody is going to offer you more. Good luck.😇
In the Portland OR Vancouver WA area new pay is about $50/hr
I make $50/hr as a new grad in ga
I make $89 per hour as a new grad in my 8th month of work in Ca. You have a college degree! Don't do it!
Your an rn and they are only offering you 18? I work in the Austin area and lowest pay I have found as a new grad is 32
When I started as a new grad 3.5 years ago, I was started at $32/hr. My company has raised new grad pay to $35/hr, and everyone who is not a new grad gets a small raise to try to make up the difference in Experience. I live in PA.
That is a disgrace. Come to Ohio, where they are paying new grads over $30.00 an hour, and the cost of living is most likely more affordable.
To start in New York you can make $50- $75, $18 is settling my fellow colleague.
They are not even in range of paying you correctly no less than $30 and even that is low.
Starbucks pays more! Now i must ask to clarify, around me there are Nurse jobs that pay less and these are while you await your license issuance but once issued you go to regular pay. Perhaps are you not licensed yet?
My starting pay as new grad in Alaska in postpartum was $38. That was back in summer 2022. By fall 2022, I was making $40. I actually graduated December 2020, but couldn’t find work until January 2022 with pediatric home
Health, and then finally got hired by HCA postpartum StaRN program. Never accept anything lower than $35, and that should be for a clinic type job. Hospital should be able to pay you more. Good luck! I love nursing, except for some aspects to it. But that’s with any job. Focus on the good parts of your job and embrace any learning experience you can get!
Is this new grad from CNA, LPN or RN? I have not seen LPN nor RN start that low as new, but unfortunately I have seen the CNA's start that low.
If you are an RN $18 is way too low. I started at $24 in 2012 with a $4 diff on top for nights so $28 in Sugar Land Texas.
What is your goal?
Do you have any experience?
Is that day shift or night shift? Day shift usually doesn't offer differentials which night shift usually does
If you need experience and they are going to train you, work for them and put that experience on your resume and apply for another job, you can always negotiate but generaly 5-10 dollar more than the pay lets say 10, you could negotiate for 28/hr they may come back at 25/hr, its Texas the pay is low because the cost of living is low compared to other markets in the USA, have you considered moving to Houston compared to other regions in Texas they pay the highest. Or Austin, the markets go Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and El Paso, from highest to lowest pay for nurses. Play up your experience before becoming a nurse for example you were a CNAfor 5 years, talk to your classmates or people who work in hospitals in your area and ask them what they have been offered, you can take that information and use it in your negotiation, have you interviewed, speak to the interviewer and ask them if they can give you more than 18/hr, they can talk to HR and get the rate increased, if they say no and it the final offer but they say it will be increased you need that in writing. If not then they get you at 18/hr but you have in writing that you will have an increase after orientation. Did you complete clinicals? During clinicals did you meet any nurses or nurse managers that you could connect with to discuss opportunities that they have at that hospital for new staff. Please negotiate and don't be afraid to ask for your worth, you just have to know what your worth is, so ask people who are recent grads and then take that knowledge with you to the negotiation table, they could say no it's 18/hr and thats final then you have to decide if you want the experience and training or to keep looking
As a RN? That rate is ridiculously low especially for DFW.
My new grad pay was 33. Fresh out of school. 18? I was literally making more than that with a high school diploma at a call center. That hospital is a red flag.
I remember getting paid $13/hour as an airport RN straight out of nursing school and after passing my boards. However, that was back in 1988 and at the time, it was a good pay rate when hospitals in the area were only offering $9 for new grads. My advice to you is keep looking. $18/hr is a rip off.
My first nursing job in 2010 paid around $20.50/hr in a rural KY hospital with no experience, so I personally wouldn't accept less than $20/hr as a new grad, but with inflation I'd ask for $22/hr now...
I started at$30/ hr 17 years ago that is way too little to accept as a nurse go somewhere else
Absolutely not!!! No less than 28 as a new grad. Stay 1 year and leave for more money
NEVER HEARED OF 18 . In Washington state CNA start from 25
Must be an HCA...🤣
Heck no! Your education and work is worth more. As a new grad in Northern CA, I started at 60/hr. There are hospitals nearby that offer over 100/hr for new grads as well.
Wow! That breaks my heart. According to Ondeed, a crew member at McDonald’s can earn up to $19.55/hour in Dallas. The value of a nurse should be worth higher pay than that.
$18 an hour is ridiculous. Most valued and skilled nurses aides make at least that. Please name this facility as all should know.
That is entirely to low. The CNAs I know start out at least $20.00. New LPNS start out with at least $29.00 in the Nursing home. My home is in Philadelphia PA. And as an RN you should be making a lot more than that. Remember they need you too. God bless
I don't know what's going on with that. In 2006 in Rhode Island my starting pay as a graduate nurse was 21+ an hour plus my shift differential.
As a new grad in WV. The poorest state in the US I started at $34.50. Do not allow that.
$18?? Somehow I’m not surprised it’s Tx but do NOT accept that.
Recently, they were starting new RN nurses at $29.50/hr 45 mins north of Houston at HCA hospitals.
Graduated with my RN in 1997- $16/hr!
There are LPNs making $34/hr in the hospital. Do not accept that.
I work in the north east part of the country but after nursing school you deserve nothing less than $35.00/hour. Ridiculous to accept anything less.
$52.5/hr + 15% NOC differential + $15,000 hiring bonus (ER new grad program in southern california)
That's a ridiculous offer. When I graduated from nursing school in 1998, I started at $9.75/hour. Don't waste your time.
Maybe look into applying at a Baylor facility.
Should be closer to 30.00.
$18/hr is insulting as an RN! I was making $22.50/hr as a new grad in 1980! Retired almost 3 years ago at $64/hr. (SoCal).
Look somewhere else. my grand daughter makes that as a housekeeper in an assisted living facility.....
RN or LPN? I started at $18 hr as an RN but that was 16 years ago!!!!
I'm in Austin, Texas. They usually start around $30/h as a new grad at hospitals. Maybe $29, but will usually raise to $32 after a year.. Dallas is a big city! I'm surprised they offered $18???
I should start with, I’m from California so the pay rate is significantly higher but, as a new grad, I made $43 an hour and that was back in 2009!
I started at 34 excluding differentials in San Antonio
I started off $19.50 as an ADN RN 16 years ago. You and your eduction are worth more. In Kansas new grads are starting off $26-30 in hospitals. Clinics pay significantly less.
Whatt??? Relocate to Minnesota. All my friends who are new grads minimum I’ve heard someone say they got offered as a new grad is $39 & that’s one person. Most of my friends range between $40 to $46. Minnesota pays really well. Cold weather but pay is mighty beautiful. You get job offers while doing your preceptorship during the last semester. Job offers before even the NCLEX on condition of taking & passing within 2 months of hire.
That’s extremely low. I made $23 as a new grad in a residency program in 2007. That was in Austin, Tx and Dallas usually pays more than Austin.
I started at $31.50 for the new grad residency program
I started with $17/hr when I was an LVN but $30/hr as an RN in Abilene, Tx.
Well, I made that much as a new grad $17 years ago in Charlotte, NC. So that’s pitiful for a nurse.
Are you an RN or LPN ? There is a big difference.
I’m a new grad making $28/ hr in Edinburg!
I live in Miami my first job 2015 as a new grad was 14.50/hour while in training in a classroom not with patients then went up to 24.50, while with patients orientation for 7 weeks, thennnnn nothing but little cents here and there. Then became nurse manager without any say in pay but my nurses were making 34 as new grads. I have since left that job but do not take it if anything counter offer if not walk away.
I started out as a new grad with my LPN at $30 then with my RN $45. $18 is horrible! That’s what CNAs make an hr!
That sounds ridiculously low. I started at $24/hr 12 years ago.
As a new grad, I started at $45 plus $6 night differential, and $4 weekend differential. Find a place that knows your worth!! This is in Bellevue, WA.
As a new grad RN 2023, I started with $37/hr in Maryland.
Ohio starts their new grads at an average of 27/hr.
New grad here in Memphis TN, starting at $28.80/hr at a public hospital. &18 is what our externs are paid!
$41/hr here in Minnesota for new grads in hospitals. That pay is because of MNA (Minnesota nursing association)
15 years ago i started with 22$/hour somewhere in up state part of New York state.
It it
UTMB in Galveston starts at $34 for a new grad, advancement to an NCII in 6 months and it comes with an increase.
That sounds horrible. Even an entry level nurse can get 24-46 per hour in WA state. That's barely above the minimum wage here at $16.28.
That’s crazy, I would say to look elsewhere or negotiate your pay.
I started out my RN residency at $26/hr as a new grad in Dallas in 2021, so $18 does not seem acceptable. I would think it would be even higher than $26/hr today.
I started at 35 and have thus been bumped to 45-52 within my first year of nursing. $18 is not it!
That was not an authentic question. It was designed to stealthily get nurses to share their ŝ salary. Which should be k getup private
Come to nyc. Plenty of jobs here. Starting at $50/hour