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I’m a first year nursing student and my teachers haven’t taught me a single thing and just tell us we should be doing learning at home. Am I really supposed to just Google everything and watch YouTube videos?

May 7th, 2023

No! Absolutely not! Your teachers job is to instruct you not have you search everything so that google or YouTube do their job I’m sorry that your teachers are not doing their jobs. If you feel that they are truly not teaching you they are doing you a disservice then you need to go to your advisor and ask him the best way to proceed, you’re not gonna be successful if you are not taught what you need to know.

March 2nd, 2023

not really....if you think the program is that bad call your state board of nursing and file your concern.

May 8th, 2023

No, absolutely NOT!! If you are in a situation where you are being made to feel like "It's you and not them". That is against the Nursing Practice Act. It can in some form be seen as a bullying type behavior in some cases. It is their job to teach YOU. I would sit down with your Manager or Supervisor immediately and demand either - 1. You be assigned another person who cares to teach you and actually do their job. or Ask your manager or supervisor how you feel about the situation and let them know that you feel this is NOT a safe environment. At the end of the day, sadly, YOU will be the one responsible for your patients. If you are not being taught that is the safe thing as doing duties as a nurse that you do not know how to do. That is not safe and something could be a very bad outcome which you do not want. You need to be made to feel very comfortable asking questions and that you can approach your preceptor to show you and speak to you. You need to let someone know immediately. Do not every let anyone tell you about Googling your job. I have had that done before and that Director is now unemployed. If it were all that easy then there would be no school. The younger generation of students just play with peoples lives if you ask me. Nursing must have a person to person connection your job is to keep your patients safe and to heal.