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How do I know if I'm ready for the NCLEX?

August 18th, 2022

You don’t. The longer you wait the less chance of passing. You just got to do it! I took it 3 weeks after graduating nursing school. I practiced on YouWorld to be ready for the NCLEX.

October 27th, 2022

The best possible advice I can give is: use the Kaplan NCLEX-RN study guide with questions. This was the only reason I passed. When you get an incorrect answer, it explains why it's incorrect and why the correct one is right. Learn how the writers of the test questions think to help you answer what they are truly asking. Don't overthink the question, and always keep patient quality and safety at the front of your thought process. Good luck!!!

October 19th, 2022

You will never feel completely ready. But if you have studied for months, your practice NCLEX exams are getting better and your confidence is improving. Good chance that you are ready to sit for the NCLEX. Also most have great test taking skills. Good luck.