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Is it possible to get a job in the hospital without hospital experience yet? I’m a nurse and currently doesn’t have experience but willing to apply at the hospitals I really don’t know where to start :(

December 2nd, 2022

It is absolutely possible. We all start from somewhere. Apply everywhere you are interested. I currently travel nurse and some facilities want two years experience, some welcome new graduates Each person learns different and adapts at their own pace One of the best things about nursing is the never ending options Find your passion and do your magic (that's been my struggle - finding what I don't like has been simple lol)
You worked hard for this title....go make a difference Best wishes to you

June 14th, 2024

They have nurse internships at most hospitals that would allow you to get the experience you need.

July 29th, 2023

Try applying at a university hospital. Or apply in a more rural area.

February 5th, 2023

It is possible , it all depends on your interest in the job and your determination to learn and adapt to new challenges. Because you will be having time to time training and empowermental courses that will help you to improve yourself.

February 4th, 2023

Apply for a Spring or Summer externship in a hospital. This is when the hospitals hire a lot of new grads with no previous hospital experience. Usually requires minimum 1 year commitment. What part of Georgia are you in?

December 4th, 2022

I would apply to the hospitals that you are interested in. I do not know how long you are a nurse, having said that perhaps yu would be interested in taking a refresher course and that may help you with your skills. It also depends on whether you would be applying to a teaching hospital that has more resources for you or a non-teaching hospital, in which case the resources are far less available.

December 2nd, 2022

I know many nurses who didn't have hospital experience and were able to get hospital jobs. I would look at the career section of your area hospitals' websites to see what is posted. Apply to the positions that interest you. It is likely as a new hospital employee you will have to start on night shift but can usually switch shifts when openings become available.