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Hello I am a student who is finishing their AA degree in nursing. I am planning on getting my RN license after graduating and then getting my BSN. I wants to know what are some good jobs to get started on if you only have an AA degree and RN license?

February 11th, 2025

A general Hospital of medium to large size will give you experience and broaden your education to enable you to move into any specialty you are interested in. Being willing to enter into different situations in order to learn will help you greatly in getting where you want to eventually be and increased your value to your employers and the profession.

February 10th, 2025

Be your best. I’ve been a nurse for almost 50 years and back 50 years ago they were telling us that you had to have a BSN. I’ve been a nursing supervisor in charge of a whole hospital and do all kinds of nursing stuff. Follow your heart with what you want to do. I wish you the very best.

February 7th, 2025

Depending on where you live, there often may be no difference in the jobs offered to a RN with an associates degree compared to a RN with a Bachelors. I started out with an associate as well. A BSN nurse has more education in leadership, research, theoretical nursing concepts, public health topics, and nursing ethics. I would tell you to apply for a RN to BSN program as soon as possible. There are many reasons why people choose a ADN program and they include time, money, availability. If you live in an area that is saturated with BSN programs, you may have a harder time competing for a position. Sadly, some hospitals do not pay any difference between a BSN and a ADN nurse but they should. Education should be recognized. Best of luck and never stop learning!

January 6th, 2025

Congrats on completing your ADN! That is how I started my nursing career. Look for new grad programs. You will probably have to compete with new BSN grads.