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What do you think is the BEST advice to give a diabetic patient about wound care?

September 28th, 2021

Follow a low carbohydrate diet, high in protein, keep the wound clean and dry. Keep scheduled follow-up appointments.

September 27th, 2021

Keep your blood sugars down and increase your protein intake for faster healing

February 12th, 2023


May 11th, 2022

Did wound care nursing for a couple of years, and most of my patients had wounds on their feet. So to decrease their chances of wounds they should get a good podiatrist that they see once or twice a year! They really are the key.

In terms of wound care itself, generally, a drier wound is better. Wet wounds lead to more skin breakdown, gangrene, and amputations if not managed properly. So when in doubt "air" on the drier side!

November 25th, 2023

Keep it clean and dry. Got to all follow up appointments. Make sure you use clean if not sterile dressing. Follow the exact instructions the doctor or nurse gave you.

September 16th, 2023

make sure the patient is seen by both the certiieddiabetic educator and woundcare specialist before they leave: those nurses are the experts

September 16th, 2023

Ensure you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, normal A1c, check feet daily for moisture and any open areas. Wounds are difficult to heal in diabetic patients and when the blood glucose levels are high, healing wounds become more complicated. Wound healing is essential for diabetics, but because circulation slows down and the body’s defenses (white blood cells) can’t travel to fight infections in a normal manner, wounds are even prone to get worse.

May 11th, 2022

To continue to be mindful of their skin to prevent wounds, of course to follow up as soon as possible for eval and Tx if they do notice they have a wound or develop one. Wound care will depend on the type of wound. Diligent home care is helpful many times if they have wounds that need dressing changes and diabetes is poorly managed. usually keep it dry. Continually monitoring of BG like they should be Do the best they can to control their sugars whether by diet or if they’re insulin dependent, either or. follow up with wound centers, and also to call medical assistance regarding any changes to present wounds or if they are febrile, dressing seems saturated, skin color changes, edema, radiating pain, etc..

May 9th, 2022

Any signes of wounds needs a médical Care.

May 9th, 2022

Dont do thé dressings your self.