I am seeing a lot of jobs requiring 2+ years of medsurg experience in order to apply for ER as a new grad. Are there any other units that ER like to see other than medsurg?
I worked icu, icu step down I went to every code not so much to help but to see how they were ran. I had a wonderful house supervisor that knew my ultimate goal was to get to the ER . On the days we were over staffed she pulled me from the floor to shadow the ER. My advice is med surg will teach you nothing about working in the ER. Talk to the ER manager about shadowing a few days. Good luck to you. No matter how hard the day was you won’t have the same patients 2 days in a row! I absolutely love the ER.
Medsurg is a blanket term/ scope. If you’re applying as a new grad RN with no previous nursing experience, they’re likely saying that you need to have some sort of inpatient clinical experience, whether it be a CNA/ patient care tech, phlebotomist, EMT, etc. And that could include med Surg, Neuro, cardiac, ortho, psych.
Because a new grad RN with 0 clinical experience most likely is going to have a hard time cutting it in the ED.