Average Nurse Midwife Salary in Mississippi

Nurse midwives in Mississippi earn an average of $127,960 per year (or $61.52 per hour).

United States
12% higher than the national average
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Mississippi nurse midwives earn 12% higher than the national average salary for CNMs, at $114,210 (or $54.91 per hour).

Nurse midwife salary range in Mississippi

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $195,100 $93
75th Percentile $166,340 $79
Median $124,350 $59
25th Percentile $98,160 $47

80% of Mississippi CNMs earn between $84,310 and $195,100.

Cost-of-living adjusted nurse midwife salary in Mississippi

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Mississippi CNMs earn about $127,960 per year. Cost-of-living in Mississippi is the same as the national average, meaning they face the same prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

How much do similar professions get paid in Mississippi?

Nurse Anesthetist $182,940 per year
Nurse Practitioner $111,750 per year
Physical Therapist $95,990 per year
Registered Nurse $63,130 per year
Dental Hygienist $57,670 per year
Licensed Practical Nurse $41,530 per year
Pharmacy Technician $34,460 per year

At a $127,960 average annual salary, CNMs in Mississippi tend to earn less than nurse anesthetists ($182,940). They tend to earn more than nurse practitioners ($111,750), physical therapists ($95,990), registered nurses ($63,130), dental hygienists ($57,670), licensed practical nurses ($41,530), and pharmacy technicians ($34,460).

More about nurse midwives

A nurse-midwife is an advanced practice registered nurse who provides care for women throughout the reproductive process from preconception to delivery. Though they specialize in the reproductive process, they are also equipped to handle primary care and other gynecological services for women as well. Nurse-midwives work mostly in hospitals within the United States, but some work in community clinics, birthing clinics, or directly with the patient in their homes.

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Data sources: cost of living data