Average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Tucson

Nurse practitioners in Tucson earn an average of $114,720 per year (or $55.16 per hour).

United States
Tucson, AZ
2% lower than the national average
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Tucson nurse practitioners earn 2% lower than the national average salary for NPs, at $118,040 (or $56.75 per hour).

Nurse practitioner salary range in Tucson, AZ

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $164,070 $78
75th Percentile $128,190 $61
Median $121,010 $58
25th Percentile $99,180 $47

80% of Tucson NPs earn between $79,870 and $164,070.

Cost-of-living adjusted nurse practitioner salary in Tucson

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Tucson, AZ
Overall Average
Tucson, AZ

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Tucson NPs earn about $122,302 per year. Cost-of-living in Tucson is 6% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Arizona for nurse practitioners

Prescott, AZ $131,550 per year
Yuma, AZ $127,220 per year
Kingman, AZ $121,810 per year
Phoenix, AZ $120,980 per year
Flagstaff, AZ $117,490 per year
Sierra Vista, AZ $108,030 per year

Arizona nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where nurse practitioners are paid the highest is Prescott, where the average NPs salary is $131,550 and 110 nurse practitioners are currently employed. The Yuma area comes in second, with a $127,220 average NP salary and 130 nurse practitioners employed.

How much do similar professions get paid in Tucson, AZ?

Nurse Midwife $111,920 per year
Physical Therapist $91,880 per year
Dental Hygienist $80,450 per year
Registered Nurse $78,820 per year
Licensed Practical Nurse $56,680 per year
Pharmacy Technician $39,120 per year

At a $114,720 average annual salary, NPs in Tucson tend to earn more than nurse midwives ($111,920), physical therapists ($91,880), dental hygienists ($80,450), registered nurses ($78,820), licensed practical nurses ($56,680), and pharmacy technicians ($39,120).

More about nurse practitioners

Nurse practitioners are licensed, advanced practice nurses who specialize in managing patients' healthcare and preventing diseases. They often work autonomously and have their own practices. Their duties involve diagnosing diseases, treating illnesses, and performing diagnostic tests, among other things. Every nurse practitioner has to choose a speciality. Some of the more common nurse practitioner roles include family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, and psychiatric nurse practitioner.

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