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I’ve had my account for over two weeks now and haven’t received any help from incredible health nor have I gotten any job offers. Does this app even work?

June 10th, 2022

You need to build your resume which seems odd since you are a new grad.

1. What are you interested in? Are you open to any job offer? Have you been interviewed yet?

2. If you are interested in a particular area, start taking CEUs in this area to show you really are invested in working in this career field.

3. Usually the most difficult area to fill is the float pool on the night shift. I can tell you from experience (48 yrs), you will learn more on night shift because you have less allied health support, and you really polish your ability to think on your feet and to prioritize.

4. Interviewing is an art. You need to arrive with a resume of what you are doing to grow as a nurse. Do not demand what you why you deserve the position.

Good luck.

March 17th, 2023

I agree, interviewing is an art. I’m not blessed at this skill as most. I stumble out of nervousness. Very rarely you converse with another person without much feedback…and it feels like an interrogation. However, I literally had to write out a script of key phrases. Rehearsed and practiced. With knowing what to say, confidence came. And bam! Offer.