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I recently got my RN BSN, after 20 years as an Lpn. I am finding it hard to find a hospital to work at bc I do not have “RN” experience…is this common? If so, any interviewing tips or suggestions?

April 12th, 2024

Take any RN position in your area of interest for the first year or so. Greet your future boss with a friendly smile and a firm handshake.
Make sure your goal includes what you would like to achieve. Practice what you will say to the interviewer. Describe the RN you most enjoyed working with and why.
Start developing a network of colleagues. These are people you work for and offer assistance to make their life easier. You go out of your way. Do not expect a thank you or much of anything else. When your reputation is well developed, you will be surprised when you start getting calls for individuals wanting to hire you, or asking for your assistance or advice.