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Anyone have advice for a New RN Graduate struggling to find work in hospitals in South Florida. I’ve been trying since I passed NCLEX in September 2023 & no success yet. Please any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

March 4th, 2024

I would try a hospital that has a nurse residency program

February 26th, 2024

Keep applying to jobs that interest you, EVEN when you have interviews set up - until you have an actual job offer. The last thing you want is for a seemingly good job to end up all smoke and now you missed out on back ups. You can always politely thank and decline later.

Next - hospitals routinely have job fairs - where you can meet the managers in person. Granted I don’t live in south Florida, I landed my job from such an event.

Lastly - and prolly something you may not want to hear - cast your net wider and consider a nurse job elsewhere. Most hospitals will pay for relocation, and it’ll allow you to gain that experience - then a year or two later you can try back at your original choice .