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How do you think the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will affect nurses and healthcare workers ability to do their jobs and help patients?

June 30th, 2022

I don’t see that the decision by the high-court affects a nurses ability to care for patients or their families. Nurses are nurturers not murderers!

August 1st, 2022

I think this is so individualized. As you can see there are venomous responses and diplomatic ones; and I think that is the range of feelings about this issue you will see in our industry, as nursing, just like any other industry is a microcosm of our society.

In general though, a nurse signs up to take care of patients (hopefully), almost despite her/his own personal beliefs- at times. It's almost like, "You can think it, but it can't impact how you treat this patient!" Its like working in the ER as a Jewish nurse and a patient comes in with critical stab wounds that are threatening his life. But he has tattoos all over his body promoting Hitler and derogatory tattoos devaluing Jewish people. Shocking? Absolutely! But he is about to die. We can talk about all the other stuff later- his personal and political views, how we think he is wrong, how we would, "never tattoo something like that on our bodies", or even putting a policy in place for future situations. Sure... later because right now, however, we have to save this persons life... at least that is how I was taught an how I feel.

So, honestly, I really don't know how this will affect nurses, unless you directly work in that speciality area. Your opinions and beliefs are going to guide you in not only decisions like Roe v. Wade, but other court decisions to follow. As you talk with more people, you might get a different perspective on the subject. Just be open to hear and understand. Thats what really separates one good nurse from the other, one person from another. The willingness to listen and understand.

Take Care

July 17th, 2022

It depends if you are pro-abortion or against abortion. I you are asking about working at a pro-abortion clinic, the states will decide which state will allow abortions. There will still be clinics it just depends on what state you live in. I have no judgement of you for whichever way you feel about abortion.