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Anyone have advice on how to deal with a toxic charge nurse of 20 years as an new nurse?

October 8th, 2023

Don’t work the days that the Debbie/Don Downer is on.They can make the entire unit unhappy.

March 26th, 2023

Nurses eat their young is REAL unfortunately. I love my job but not the people (bad attitude, politics, etc…)
1) stay, learn, gain experience and leave
2) report it/challenge her or him, be ready for retaliation, bad assignments, and with 20 yrs they’ll PROBABLY side with them
3) apply somewhere else (hospitals are harder to get in without experience but if you have connections try to reach out). Outpatient might be easier depending on your goals
4) quit now and look somewhere else (length of time until you get hired somewhere else is unknown, no guarantee you won’t find someone worse)
It’s hard, hang in there, take a mental health day to relax and decide what’s best for you. Good luck!

March 26th, 2023

What is a “toxic charge nurse?”

October 7th, 2023

Best advise.
ALWAYS say please and thank you.
GIVE praise to the charge nurse for even little things (often people in leadership positions do not receive praise.)
Complement appearance
Observe: is this how charge nurse interacts with everyone. Pay attention to how you respond to the charge nurse.
KINDNESS: it is true . Genuinely being kind in your demeanor can break down many barriers.
Many charge nurses at present are caring a heavy burden related to the nursing shortage.
Many new nurses have limited hands on skills. Learn to be comfortable with asking for additional training. Learn to say " at your convenience" (unless urgent) when you need assistance. It acknowledges the other person has work too.
Offer to help others and praise will be noticed
We do not know what another coworker is going through. Be it family, health, financial etc.
Do not assume the charge nurse is not a nice person.