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What CEUs does everyone recommend in general? Where do you do them?

August 29th, 2023

Start with any requirements your State may have, and attend to those first. Infection control, child/elder abuse, active shooter protocols, opioid prescribing if you are an NP, etc. They all carry CEUs and you will be getting "two birds with one stone" by doing this. After that, begin choosing CEUs pertinent to your area of specialty. After that, choose those of other special interest to you. Intergenerational working with colleagues and transcultural care are also very important, along with disaster preparedness. If you live in a large metropolitan area, any CEUs helping you learn assessment in a foreign language often spoken there are a good idea. Many people rely on herbs and homeopathic medicines, so it's also wise to do CEUs in those to understnad them and to know if they are going to interfere with prescribed medications.