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What is the salary rate for a 7 years of experience as RN in Westminster, MD?

April 14th, 2022

Based on preliminary research the average hourly rate is $43 for MD. This depends on your speciality, experience in that's speciality, location of where you want to work, and need for nurses.

But you can NEGOTIATE! And I would suggest doing it. Negotiations don't just end at compensation though, you can negotiate benefits (having specific days off, overtime pay, ECT). It'll be benaficial for you in the future to really hone these skills to get everything (or almost everything) you want out of nursing and more.

April 14th, 2022

Thanks Brianna for the great input. The work place that I might be working with is located in Westminster, MD and I was offered $39.82/hr with OT, weekend and night time pay as well as health benefits. I would like to ask if $39.82 sufficient enough considering the cost of living there. Thanks!