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How do you handle conflict between a patient and the doctor? Do I have any responsibility to address it?

January 16th, 2024

When a conflict arises between a patient and a doctor, it is important to handle it with empathy and professionalism. Physicians have an ethical obligation to foster a therapeutic alliance with their patients. If the therapeutic relationship becomes strained, physicians should attempt to resolve the conflict, when possible, through intentional patient–physician discussion or through a third-party mediator. If return to a therapeutic relationship is not possible or mutually desirable, ending the patient–physician relationship may be the best option for the patient and the physician. Patient-centered care practices and communication techniques that are recommended to help prevent as well as manage patient–physician conflict include fostering meaningful connections during the clinical encounter, establishing and restoring trust, and building and restoring an effective patient–physician relationship. When possible, conflict resolution should involve exploration of the reasons behind the conflict, realistic expectation-setting, and clear articulation of the goals of care as well as the range of potential outcomes. When it is not possible to reach a mutually acceptable decision through patient-centered communication, formal mediation using a third party, such as a mediator, ombudsperson, or clinical ethics consultation, may be considered to help resolve patient–physician conflict ². I hope this helps!

(1) Managing challenging interactions with patients | The BMJ.
(2) Ethical Approach for Managing Patient–Physician Conflict and ... - ACOG.
(3) Conflict Resolution Strategies in Nursing | ANA.
(4) Conflict Resolution in Nursing: Tension With Doctors - Aspen University.

June 24th, 2023

The older, wiser, less codependent version of me says STAY OUT OF IT. It’s not our job to fix every single interpersonal problem, and sometimes getting involved makes it worse (unless there’s an obvious ethical issue-that’s another story).