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How should you stay in Med Surg before applying elsewhere?

September 13th, 2022

It’s a good idea to stay for 1 year. This experience will help you develop time management and perfect your basic nursing skills! From there you can check out other interest. The grass is not always greener. 😊

March 23rd, 2024

Give it at least one year. You will spend the first 6 months just getting used to the floor's routines and any new skills it will take to function well there. A longer period than that would be useful, as you need to have all your skills down pat and develop good judgement in practice issues before you take on anything more complicated such as ICU or ER. Med-surg is complicated enough on its own!

November 27th, 2022

I think 2 years gives you an overall great base. If you go into icu or telemetry first, you will not know the basics- there is so much to learn before knowing cardiac and neurological.

You will learn the signs of neurological and cardiovascular symptoms- which will help you.

Med surg nurses are very valuable- they need to know all the body systems and their functions

September 14th, 2022

Being in any setting is about mindset. I started in the CVICU straight out of school, I was excited and wanted to learn everything. I also have a high tolerance for stress and am not easily anxious. I started with six nurses on orientation and the two of us that had no prior experience where the only who stayed. If you have a thirst for knowledge, are not easily rattled, and can think quick on your feet, no amount of experience is needed. Remember to ask ALL the questions, because it's the one question you don't ask that may solidify questions about how or why and will prevent you from being able to think on your feet.