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Any advice/recommendations for new grads wanting to leave inpatient bedside and go outpatient (I have post covid cardiac complications and feel I can't handle strenuous bedside anymore)

June 24th, 2024

There are many options in nursing outside of the hospital environment, but I would NOT recommend nursing homes- patient to staff ration is very high, and the work can be physically grueling. Doctors' office, triage nursing, case management, working in specialty office, infusion centers, wound care in office/typically vascular. Work life balance can be much better. Pay can be lower at times, but worth it, if it meets your needs. Good Luck.

December 15th, 2022

You will need to start looking by talking to people in outpatient. Those jobs are hard to find and not usually advertised. Definitely do not let anyone know of your COVID health issues.

January 6th, 2025

Depends on what area they are looking to do outpatient. A lot to consider.