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What do y’all think about a new grad starting in hospice as case manager? Is it difficult?

March 31st, 2024

I don't think a new grad should be a manager of anything. Experience counts and Hospice, although rewarding, new grads don't have any experience in any specialty.

April 1st, 2024

In my experience, new grad nurses fail at effectively case managing. Not only that, you really need to have experience with signs and symptoms and disease management. You’ll also need to know your pharmacology. Hospice CMs work autonomously, which is hard as a new grad. It’s been my experience that new grads have difficulty seeing the bigger picture in hospice and just don’t know what to do in managing not only the patient, but the families as well.

May 11th, 2024

I find that older adults or persons more experienced with death find this job easier on their mental health.

April 2nd, 2024

Hi! I think that you are missing a variety of nursing experiences starting in a specialty like Hospice right out of school.

I chose not to work hospital my first year, and did LTC instead — It was a great experience for growth and change as a person and nurse!

I’m currently your friendly neighborhood ENT RN, but thought I wanted to do wound care right out of school. I do a lot of wound care in my current role, but I get to do loads of other things to.

I get it if Hospice is your passion—wound care is still a passion of mine—but there is a whole wide world of nursing out there, no need to wed yourself to a specialty right out of school 💖

AK nurse, mom, Q+, advocate

June 23rd, 2024

Start from the beginning. Learning empathy, different cultures, death experiences, grieving, compassionate communications with different ages...cases..diseases.....

There is much experience that is needed new grad ...nope absolutely not.

When families are grieving they can tell sincerity or facade a mile away.

Experience is a must!

April 1st, 2024

Right, Gary. What Hospice do you own? You're obviously not listed online as a reputable owner in Granbury, you're not particularly well spoken, and you sound like you may actually be a 15 year old turd stain.

March 31st, 2024

If you're a brand new nurse, it may not be a straight forward first position. I've done hospice case management for nearly 2 years. It is difficult in a number of ways, though you have quite a bit of leeway in terms of deciding orders, plans of care and appropriate interventions. Often patients may be considered high acquity but because hospice mainly emphasizes comfort, progressive care measures are usually discontinued, especially after a couple weeks. It is the most rewarding of all nursing positions(imo) you can get but the burnout is high, as there is 24 hour on-call with all hospice and it is a difficult job not to take home. If you are very patient focused,i'd say you're more likely to enjoy it. Either way, you will know quickly if you take a position.