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What is the wildest injury you've seen?

April 30th, 2022

One: Young man with pony tail got his hair caught in a machine at work. Ripped his face off and broke his neck. We stitched his face back together, mostly, with the help of leaches. he was a quadriplegic.

TTwo: Young man highway surfing on top of truck hood, fell into guard rail splitting his face in half. Started to pull the sheet over him in ED thinking he was DOA, when he said "Hey I'm here." Emergent surgery and ICU neuro unit. Later passed from Neuro pulmonary edema.

Three: Construction worker jumped into hole landing on shovel handle. Passed through scrotum up to sternum. Amazingly Hit nothing vital.
Just a few in my 37 years as an surgical/trauma ICU nurse.

May 5th, 2022

20 years of ED Trauma --- could fill a book (maybe since you all got my story telling going...) Wild has many many connotations.

young lady upset that her boyfriend had told her they were done. Was rather sure he was not allowed to leave her. When she found him out with another woman (after he had properly declared his freedom - no cheating on his part) she took a straight razor to him 238 times. AND she stayed by his side in the Ed (unarmed) for hours telling him she loved him. Took over 6 hours to sew all the wounds closed. ER pt no idea what happened after that.

Construction worker on a nuclear power plant. Fell off the top of a wall and landed on, and was skewered by, a single steel reinforcing rod. Entered left inferior pelvis crossed his trunk to come out the right shoulder. Jaws of life were needed at the scene to allow hoisting him up to the ambulance then once in teh OR the fire department brought the jaws of life into the OR to cut the rod and allow surgeons to extricate the rod under anesthesia. He was awake and conscious until anesthesia induction. I worked ED and there was limited follow up but I recall hearkignhe has been discharged to home from the hospital.

Motorcycle rider, excess speed, gravel on the road, ran full front on into a tree. He slid forward onto the fuel tank, under the handlebars, straddling the bike yoke and the tree. Had a symposia separation so wide you literally could insert your fist and no tough anything. He too was awake. Saw him later in rehab but don't know the ultimate outcome.

January 26th, 2024

A dude was working out in gym on flat bench doing dumbell tricep extensions. Big dude, he was warming up with an 80lb dumb bell. Instead of dropping it on the floor, he sat up and slammed it between his legs on the bench, mashing his junk.

January 12th, 2022

A gentleman tore his sigmoid and large intestine requiring massive surgery while “using” his favorite wrench…he begged for the ER nurses to give it back. Not even a joke OMG - I almost died when hearing his story 😂🤣😳

January 9th, 2022

A man came to the ED with gunshot (probably) buckshot to the face. I could've put my fist in the area ( bridge if the nose). He never lost consciousness and was talking. He returned a year later to have plastic surgery.

A man came to the ED that had been to close to a corn combine. One of His arms was severed with about 2 in of bone exposed. He didn't have t have a blood transfusion.

January 5th, 2022

Teenager ran into the back of a log truck while texting & driving. Her facial/skull fractures were the worst I’ve ever seen. She made a full recovery!

August 17th, 2021

A gent that was pinned by a work truck and another truck by a car that had ran into one of the trucks…he lost both legs and one arm and I still don’t believe how we stabilized him …it took two of us…I’ve seen some pretty bad car crashes and other traumas …you know like bullet wounds , stabbing, physical assaults, etc. your everyday trauma night

August 11th, 2021

Puncture injury to the stomach.