Average Cath Lab Nurse Salary in Pennsylvania
Cath lab nurses in Pennsylvania earn an average of $83,868 per year (or $40.32 per hour).
Pennsylvania cath lab nurses earn 3% lower than the national average salary for cath lab nurses, at $87,270 (or $41.95 per hour).
Cath lab nurse salary range in Pennsylvania
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
90th Percentile | $108,896 | $52 |
75th Percentile | $90,070 | $43 |
Median | $84,906 | $40 |
25th Percentile | $68,948 | $33 |
80% of Pennsylvania cath lab nurses earn between $65,814 and $108,896.
Cost-of-living adjusted cath lab nurse salary in Pennsylvania
Adjusted for cost-of-living, Pennsylvania cath lab nurses earn about $85,931 per year. Cost-of-living in Pennsylvania is 2% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
Cath lab nurses salaries in other states
California | $135,964 per year |
Massachusetts | $128,840 per year |
Washington | $103,662 per year |
New York | $98,919 per year |
New Jersey | $91,728 per year |
Arizona | $87,428 per year |
Texas | $85,430 per year |
Illinois | $94,764 per year |
Virginia | $76,680 per year |
Michigan | $86,284 per year |
How much do other nurses get paid in Pennsylvania?
Occupational Health Nurse | $88,975 per year |
Aesthetic Nurse | $86,640 per year |
PACU Nurse | $84,341 per year |
Ambulatory Nurse | $83,878 per year |
Blood Management Nurse | $83,414 per year |
Pulmonary Care Nurse | $83,414 per year |
Correctional Care Nurse | $81,560 per year |
Research Nurse | $81,560 per year |
Mother Baby Nurse | $81,560 per year |
Orthopedics Nurse | $81,097 per year |
At a $83,868 average annual salary, cath lab nurses in Pennsylvania tend to earn less than occupational health nurses ($88,975), aesthetic nurses ($86,640), PACU nurses ($84,341), and ambulatory nurses ($83,878). They tend to earn more than blood management nurses ($83,414), pulmonary care nurses ($83,414), correctional care nurses ($81,560), research nurses ($81,560), mother baby nurses ($81,560), and orthopedics nurses ($81,097).
More about cath lab nurses
A cath lab nurse's role is to help assist doctors and provide care to cardiac patients during the post-catheterization recovery period. Cath labs use imaging equipment designed to examine the heart’s arteries to ensure there is adequate blood flow to and from the heart.
Free nursing salary estimate
Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health