Average Endoscopy Nurse Salary in Chicago
Endoscopy nurses in Chicago earn an average of $94,344 per year (or $45.36 per hour).
Chicago endoscopy nurses earn 11% higher than the national average salary for endoscopy nurses, at $84,768 (or $40.75 per hour).
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Endoscopy nurse salary range in Chicago, IL
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
90th Percentile | $117,181 | $56 |
75th Percentile | $114,512 | $55 |
Median | $91,292 | $43 |
25th Percentile | $74,140 | $35 |
80% of Chicago endoscopy nurses earn between $71,135 and $117,181.
Cost-of-living adjusted endoscopy nurse salary in Chicago
Adjusted for cost-of-living, Chicago endoscopy nurses earn about $90,022 per year. Cost-of-living in Chicago is 4% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
How much do other nurses get paid in Chicago, IL?
Cath Lab Nurse | $98,446 per year |
Clinical Informatics Nurse | $98,446 per year |
Radiology Nurse | $97,420 per year |
Quality Assurance Nurse | $93,318 per year |
Vascular Nurse | $91,267 per year |
Renal Nurse | $90,242 per year |
Research Nurse | $88,827 per year |
Pediatric Critical Care Nurse | $88,191 per year |
Diabetes Nurse | $88,191 per year |
Bariatric Nurse | $87,165 per year |
At a $94,344 average annual salary, endoscopy nurses in Chicago tend to earn less than cath lab nurses ($98,446), clinical informatics nurses ($98,446), and radiology nurses ($97,420). They tend to earn more than quality assurance nurses ($93,318), vascular nurses ($91,267), renal nurses ($90,242), research nurses ($88,827), pediatric critical care nurses ($88,191), diabetes nurses ($88,191), and bariatric nurses ($87,165).
More about endoscopy nurses
Endoscopy nurses assist doctors with treatment during endocscopy procedures. They help with gastroenterology and respiratory issues.
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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health