Average Nurse Educator Salary in Oregon

Nurse educators in Oregon earn an average of $102,423 per year (or $49.24 per hour).

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20% higher than the national average
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Oregon nurse educators earn 20% higher than the national average salary for nurse educators, at $84,768 (or $40.75 per hour).

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Nurse educator salary range in Oregon

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $132,590 $63
75th Percentile $111,395 $53
Median $103,233 $49
25th Percentile $84,842 $40

80% of Oregon nurse educators earn between $79,110 and $132,590.

Cost-of-living adjusted nurse educator salary in Oregon

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Oregon nurse educators earn about $99,827 per year. Cost-of-living in Oregon is 2% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Oregon for nurse educators

Hillsboro, OR $105,621 per year

Oregon nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where nurse educators are paid the highest is Hillsboro, where the average nurse educators salary is $105,621 and 23,090 registered nurses are currently employed.

Nurse educators salaries in other states

California $130,735 per year
Massachusetts $114,817 per year
Washington $99,750 per year
New York $93,320 per year
Nevada $95,733 per year
New Jersey $84,593 per year
Connecticut $97,976 per year
Minnesota $88,567 per year
Maryland $84,813 per year
Arizona $85,485 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Oregon?

OR Nurse $113,329 per year
Womens Health Nurse $107,269 per year
Cardiac Care Nurse $106,169 per year
Pain Management Nurse $106,122 per year
Orthopedics Nurse $106,122 per year
PACU Nurse $105,894 per year
Palliative Care Nurse $104,320 per year
Nurse Manager $104,320 per year
Telemetry Nurse $102,423 per year
Neurology Nurse $100,526 per year

At a $102,423 average annual salary, nurse educators in Oregon tend to earn less than OR nurses ($113,329), womens health nurses ($107,269), cardiac care nurses ($106,169), pain management nurses ($106,122), orthopedics nurses ($106,122), PACU nurses ($105,894), palliative care nurses ($104,320), and nurse managers ($104,320). They tend to earn more than telemetry nurses ($102,423) and neurology nurses ($100,526).

More about nurse educators

A nurse educator teaches others about the field of nursing in the classroom, hospital and other settings. They design curriculum, research and oversee clinical work. They work with students, patients and their peers. Nurse educators have their nurse license and an advanced degree such as a Masters of Science in Nursing.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health