Average Pediatric Nurse Salary in Connecticut
Pediatric nurses in Connecticut earn an average of $85,405 per year (or $41.06 per hour).
Connecticut pediatric nurses earn 8% higher than the national average salary for pediatric nurses, at $78,713 (or $37.84 per hour).
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Pediatric nurse salary range in Connecticut
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
90th Percentile | $106,677 | $51 |
75th Percentile | $96,200 | $46 |
Median | $80,900 | $38 |
25th Percentile | $74,552 | $35 |
80% of Connecticut pediatric nurses earn between $59,300 and $106,677.
Cost-of-living adjusted pediatric nurse salary in Connecticut
Adjusted for cost-of-living, Connecticut pediatric nurses earn about $82,597 per year. Cost-of-living in Connecticut is 3% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
Pediatric nurses salaries in other states
California | $121,322 per year |
Hawaii | $92,134 per year |
Oregon | $96,259 per year |
Massachusetts | $94,482 per year |
Washington | $97,794 per year |
New York | $89,587 per year |
Nevada | $92,941 per year |
New Jersey | $87,651 per year |
Minnesota | $79,937 per year |
Maryland | $78,621 per year |
How much do other nurses get paid in Connecticut?
Neurology Nurse | $106,236 per year |
Nurse Manager | $102,590 per year |
PACU Nurse | $99,986 per year |
Nurse Educator | $97,976 per year |
Ambulatory Nurse | $97,903 per year |
Substance Abuse Nurse | $97,903 per year |
Infusion Nurse | $97,903 per year |
Trauma Nurse | $97,903 per year |
Research Nurse | $97,903 per year |
Diabetes Nurse | $96,862 per year |
At a $85,405 average annual salary, pediatric nurses in Connecticut tend to earn less than neurology nurses ($106,236), nurse managers ($102,590), PACU nurses ($99,986), nurse educators ($97,976), ambulatory nurses ($97,903), substance abuse nurses ($97,903), infusion nurses ($97,903), trauma nurses ($97,903), research nurses ($97,903), and diabetes nurses ($96,862).
More about pediatric nurses
A pediatric nurse cares for and treats children. On any given day, pediatric RNs may assess adolescent patients and provide evidence-based interventions, administer medication or educate parents and caregivers on wellness practices.
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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health