Average Research Nurse Salary in Maryland
Research nurses in Maryland earn an average of $87,640 per year (or $42.13 per hour).
Maryland research nurses earn 0% higher than the national average salary for research nurses, at $87,048 (or $41.85 per hour).
Research nurse salary range in Maryland
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
90th Percentile | $107,774 | $51 |
75th Percentile | $103,671 | $49 |
Median | $83,070 | $39 |
25th Percentile | $68,969 | $33 |
80% of Maryland research nurses earn between $64,060 and $107,774.
Cost-of-living adjusted research nurse salary in Maryland
Adjusted for cost-of-living, Maryland research nurses earn about $82,291 per year. Cost-of-living in Maryland is 6% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
Research nurses salaries in other states
California | $130,212 per year |
Massachusetts | $93,623 per year |
Washington | $90,949 per year |
New York | $98,919 per year |
Connecticut | $97,903 per year |
Minnesota | $97,362 per year |
Arizona | $93,257 per year |
Texas | $76,693 per year |
Illinois | $85,505 per year |
Virginia | $84,348 per year |
How much do other nurses get paid in Maryland?
Clinical Informatics Nurse | $99,891 per year |
HIV Nurse | $94,237 per year |
Reproductive Nurse | $94,237 per year |
Hematology Nurse | $90,467 per year |
Float Pool Nurse | $90,467 per year |
Infusion Nurse | $90,213 per year |
Public Health Nurse | $89,525 per year |
Nurse Manager | $88,582 per year |
Quality Assurance Nurse | $87,640 per year |
Pediatric Critical Care Nurse | $87,640 per year |
At a $87,640 average annual salary, research nurses in Maryland tend to earn less than clinical informatics nurses ($99,891), HIV nurses ($94,237), reproductive nurses ($94,237), hematology nurses ($90,467), float pool nurses ($90,467), infusion nurses ($90,213), public health nurses ($89,525), and nurse managers ($88,582). They tend to earn more than quality assurance nurses ($87,640) and pediatric critical care nurses ($87,640).
More about research nurses
Research nurses can work in a wide variety of places and are tasked with helping create new medical treatments, medications, and vaccinations.
Free nursing salary estimate
Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health