Would you rather take a high paying job with poor working conditions or a lower paying job that has amazing working conditions?
It’s sad that these are the 2 conditions nurses are given.. how about sufficient pay and safe work conditions together ?? I think patients would appreciate this as well
High paying and amazing working condition.
Neither I would rather a high paying job that has amazing working conditions.
Lower paying with amazing working conditions means less stress for me!
It should be both, why would I compromise either? I work in home health I love the work but the workload is overwhelming at times. Safety is a real concern because I never know what I am walking into.
Lower pay with good working conditions
I don't feel that I should have to choose. I believe that the working conditions should be great as well as the pay. Nurses should always put their patients first but it's hard when the patient to nurse ratio is wrong, supplies aren't there or we are experiencing a supply shortage. I love what I do but honesty when you feel underpaid and the conditions are less than optimal you start to question your career choice.
High paying job with poor working conditions. They are all poor working conditions.
I would work in lower paying job, with excellent working condition.
Def the latter for mental well being. It is NOT worth working in poor working conditions
Why should Nurses compromise? They act as patient defenders, advocates, caregivers, and protectors, yet we are the first to be blamed if anything goes wrong, even when the provider makes a mistake.. our pay does not equate to the long hours of standing, running around, and the blame game. We should advocate for more pay, especially with the cost of living... Doctors make 4times more than nurses, at least we should make a descent amount of money to offset, toxic environment, difficult situations and gigantic student loans. We can choose to make our environment less toxic by our attitudes. Life is stressful on its own already.
High paying job with amazing work conditions! 🤣 We deserve it!
I need higher pay $$
Lower paying with great conditions
Amazing work conditions
Wherever creates a space for the safest patient care.
I’ll take high pay and amazing working conditions please. If that just isn’t available I will take the pay cut. From moving around as a travel nurse and working at several hospitals I would say that I found better pay with better conditions and lower pay with poor conditions was the trend. That goes for travelers and staff pay. Hospitals that strive the hardest to provide quality care know the importance of compensating fairly, creating a positive work environment, and lowering pt:nurse ratios. The best paying hospitals had 4:1 or 5:1. 6:1 was more common with the lower paying ones.
High paying job
Lower pay, but amazing working conditions, by all means!!!!!!!!!
Most likely the high paying job. But how long will that last; no one can take a toxic working condition but for so long, regardless of the pay.
lower paying job that has amazing working conditions
Lower paying with amazing working conditions
The mental health is very important. I would take the lower paying job that has amazing working conditions.
I would definitely choose the lower paying job with better working conditions, but I don't understand why health care has to be this way! I STILL haven't found a single healthcare entity that wasn't about the money and playing insurance games . There HAS to be a PEOPLE_centered practice that SUPPORTS employees who think creatively to overcome barriers to care. It's an ethical injury that feels heavier to bear every passing year..
WHY do we have to choose! Both!!
lower paying job that has amazing working conditions
A. Amazing working conditions with only slightly lower pay. Relative to what the CEO is paid.
Lower paying. Nursing is stressful. You dont want to risk losing your license because you’re burnt out in a toxic environment.
Lower paying job with better conditions
Lower paying job with amazing work conditions. Working somewhere you actually enjoy makes it worth your time. Yet I could also deal with a bunch of stuff for alot of money 😉
I would rather take a lower paying job with amazing working conditions. I left a higher paying job with toxic environment for a lower paying job but found out it’s just as toxic. I’m thinking of taking a break from nursing and just going back to school. 🥲
Lower paying with amazing conditions have always made me happier. I can't put a price on good mental health, feeling at peace, having joy and purpose in my life.
Higher pay