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Did anyone go straight into an OR right out of school? Also, any advice for a somewhat new grad going into OR?

August 24th, 2022

I did not but our hospital has an OR-101 residency program. Many new grads go straight into the 10-month program and straight to the OR. I hope this helps.

Mike Redden MSN

March 26th, 2024

I went directly to the OR in 1975 and I am still there after retirement doing consulting. Love it then and now.

June 3rd, 2023

Before I graduated, I volunteered in the OR and it was a conscious decision, a life changing and life commitment for me. I wanted to become a doctor, but coming from a family that couldn’t afford to send me to school to become that, I decided to become a nurse. OR to me is fun. Exploration of the inner structures and functions of what we all see from the outside is awesome. You have to like it and find fun. Get trained in different specialties in the OR and it gives you more opportunities too