Is Eye Ambulatory surgery center as a circulating RN a good start for a new grad?
No. It is highly specialized and not a good way to learn Perioperative Nursing.
Yes - as baby boomers age more and more of us will be having eye surgery!
No! You should do med surg to get a good well rounded education to go to any department after a year! If you limit yourself to a specialty you will have a hard time getting into something else!
I think its too limiting
I went directly to an OR after graduation
A level one trauma center with all surgical specialties.
Limiting yourself just to eye will decrease your mobility throughout your career.
Maybe do a year of med surg before you limit yourself
Only if you're planning on staying in that type of work. You could possibly transition to a pre-op/pacu after some experience. I always recommend Med-Surg in a hospital for new grads. You will see a little bit of everything & hone your critical thinking skills.
Very limiting unless you are interested in eyes.
If you plan on only specializing in the field of optometry. But as a new grad it would be good to get more experience in a hospital. As you see and learn alot there. And there are supervisors you can ask and learn from. But the experience in a learning hospital is fantastic.
No. You have to have experience and, with that, will come speed and efficiency. I worked eyes for 14 years, but only after 2 years as a floor nurse.