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Does anyone have tips or advice for New Grad Nurses wanting to work in NYC in pediatrics or NICU? So far, the job search is super challenging in landing interviews.

August 1st, 2023

I was a new grad and started in NYC. I started in Neuro ICU. I did a lot of reading and preparing for interviews. I would make sure your resume was top of the line! Make sure the format is correct, grammar and punctuation are without errors. If called for an interview arrive at least 30 minutes early. Plan for the NYC traffic. Get rest, research the company and why you want to work for them. Always know a few solid facts about the company so you can show them in answering their questions. If you have limited work experience you can discuss volunteering and or responsibility at home or at your high school. Just be yourself. Stay away from caffeine. You will be too jittery.