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What are the best personal finance tips for nurses?

February 27th, 2024

Live below your means. Invest early and often.
1. Have an emergency fund
2. Get your company match (401, 403, pension, HSA)
3. Use the HSA if young and healthy
4. Max out Roth IRA
5. If you still have money go back and max your 401/403 etc
6. Use an online retirement calculator. The larger percentage of earnings you save, the earlier you can retire. Save 50% and up and you’ll retire much much sooner.

February 4th, 2023

Contribute to your savings plan if your job has one. A 401K or 403B will grow with minimal effort from you especially if your employer matches the contribution. Start small and see what effect your contribution has on your paycheck. If you don't see a difference since some contributions are pre-tax, you can increase your contribution. Your goal should be to get to the amount that your employer matches.

December 11th, 2022

Open a savings account and don't touch it. Set goals. And limits. We all love shopping and sharing, but avoid a spree. Talk to you're bank manager about investments and growth. A social worker buddy and I had a routine. Every Wednesday we would gou out for a bite to eat or coffee and crousants. We kept each other focused on our goals. No overspending. It helps. Ask yourself.. Do u need it or want to need it 😁